Friday, October 11, 2013

this year

Some people said that fifth semester is the top of all semester. It means that this semester is really hard. I really agree with this statement. I feel that this semester is really tired. There are so many assignment from the lecturer, then, the lecturers usually command us to make presentation for the material and we should collect those assignments in time. I feel like those assignments chase me because the limit time. hueee :'(
Then, I really feel that all of subjects during this semester is not easy anymore. They grown up harder time to time. It really make me stress, I'm afraid I can't reach the good mark in the end of this semester. Aaaaaaaa why I'm so panic! The best way is just relax and study hard. Trying trying trying afiiiiiiiii! don't be lazy anymore. I should accustom my self to read, learn, and work harder everyday. Just try afiiiiii! Believe your self. This semester will finish when it should finish. Kepp Spirit! Aza aza fighting!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Book Review Of Successful Public Speaking

A Critical Review of Arina Nikitina, 2011, Decision Making in United State: Successful Public Speaking, Published by Bookbone, Frederiksberg, Denmark: Ventus Publishing ApS, ISBN 9788776819477.
Successful Public Speaking is the book that tells anything about public speaking. Beginning with introduction, evolution, fear, components successful speech, and three P’s for successful speech. They will help us to more understand about public speaking, so that we can increase our public speaking. The author, Arina Nikitina is a self-help expert, psychologist, blogger, speaker, and a founder of, one of the largest self-improvement portals that cover a wide range of topics such as: goals setting, motivation, communication, leadership, productivity and success.
This book aimed to make the reader becomes a good speaker which knows what the components of successful public speaking, then, there are some guidelines before doing the performance to make it successful. This book also explains about the audiences—who will be listening to your speech. Arina Nikita (2011) said that, if you do not understand the people who will be listening to you, you will not be able to reach them. This is same as Christopher Truk (2003) said that, thinking about the audience is the first stage in preparing to give a successful talk or presentation. This book provides some component for successful public speaking. One of the components is visual aids. It can help the speaker easy to transfer the material. It makes your performance looked more vivid, graphic, and looking professional. Stave Mandel stated the same idea (2000), the visual aids help speaker to get the focus from the audiences, stimulate audiences’ interest, and make it easy to visualize illustration. In addition, preparation is the first step to make your speech is successful. Because preparation will make speaker more confident when talk in front of many people.
Therefore, The Princeton Language Institute and Lenny Laskowski’s book can help speaker to preparation the speaker material. That book explain about what should speaker do in 10 days to build their confidence when public speaking. Furthermore, the second step to make successful speech is practice. After you prepare the material, you should practice the material for build more confidence of yourself. You can practice alone or practice in front of your family. The next step is performance—it is time for you to speech in front of the audiences. In performance you have to believe yourself. You have done in preparation and practice before your performance. Dan O’Hair, Hannah Rubenstein, Rob Stewart (2010) told about credibility as a speaker. During the performance you should build credibility, make a simple statement of your qualifications for speaking on the topic. Then, you should remember your preparation and your practice. Keep following on it, so that your material is still structured.
In summary, I as a reviewer focus on the last chapter of this book—three P’s of a successful speech—because I think the last chapter is the important one. It tells about what the speaker should do before speech. Preparation, practice, and performance are the steps which the speaker should do. In my opinion, this book is still far from being conclusive because Furthermore, this book should be developed materials and give more explanation for improve the reader understanding when read this book. This book does not give all chapters of the data from researchers to prove the writer statements. However, this book is easy to understand because the writer uses the simple sentence to explain every chapter. I can get the information easily when read this book. Then, I think the steps that is given by the writer is really useful for successful our public speaking.